Noida Corona Update 110 New Coronavirus Cases In Noida Including 8 Children

Noida Corona Update 110 New Coronavirus Cases In Noida Including 8 Children

Coronavirus Cases in Noida: Corona cases are increasing in Noida of Uttar Pradesh, adjacent to Delhi. But in the meantime, it is also a matter of pride that many patients are getting cured daily. So the numbers are not increasing very fast. In the last 24 hours, the number of cured patients has increased as compared to the new patients of Corona. In 24 hours, 144 patients were cured, while 110 new patients appeared. There are also 8 children below 18 years of age. which are being monitored.

CMO Dr. Sunil Kumar Sharma told that a total of 2269 samples were taken in the last 24 hours. Whose investigation report has come. At the same time, 34 patients are admitted in hospitals. But no patient needs oxygen support. At the same time, active cases have increased to 705.

The number of positive patients is less than those who recover
Some are undergoing treatment in home isolation. Continuous information is being taken from all of them from the control room. The CMO has instructed all the schools to follow the guidelines of Kovid so that the infection does not spread in the schools. At the same time, continuous sanitization has been done in the schools and sanitization has been done in the sectors and societies where patients have been found, so that the infection does not spread.

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The CMO said that it is a good thing that today the number of positive patients is less than those who recover. If this figure remains constant, then the corona wave can be stopped. He appealed to the people to get the symptoms of corona checked immediately. Apart from this, separate fever OPD has been started in hospitals. Please tell that the speed of corona is increasing continuously in the whole of Uttar Pradesh as well. In the last 24 hours, 910 fresh cases of corona have been reported.

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